I am a sadist. Inextricably mixed with a masochist but truly a sadist. I like to see you in pain; carefully wrapped in pleasure. I understand the true nature of sex... pain, pleasure, push, pull.
I am an alpha female. Put me in a room with another alpha female and we will tear each others throats out.
We are pushing our sadistic natures against each other. Enough masochist in us both to allow our mutual natures to struggle against each other. To enjoy the pain we inflict on each other and to enjoy the pain we feel.
I am a dominant. I will tell you to stay and you better fucking stay there. I will tie you to the bed to make you do what I say. I have installed this wrought iron headboard for just such occasions. You will hold me down by the wrists to press yourself against me but I will fight against you. I know you like it when I fight and my will to domination will not stay still.
I am truly a rare female sadist. You may not understand as we fight against each other that I am holding something back. Something that I can not let go. My first sexual fantasies as a child involved bondage and pain. Like all young girls, I stripped my knock-off Barbie dolls naked; but I tied mine up when the clothes came off. I have heard it said that women are only interested in soft sexual fantasy like some cheesy romance novel; but I have always wanted something hard, more painful. My sexual fantasy strayed to darker places.
So fuck me and shut the fuck up. Let us hurt each other; let us struggle against each other and enjoy the little deaths we can create. Let me wrap my fingers around your throat trusting that I won't harm you. Just hurt you a little. I will let you hurt me in kind but understand what I am capable of.
I am a sadist. I am a dominant. I am just what you have been looking for.