"Just because you can make me cum; that doesn't make you Jesus..."
I am going to break you like an expensive antique; watch your skull shatter like glittering shards of glass skittering over the pavement in a sparkling shower of sharpness. I have grown very tired of taking your pain and keeping it warm inside myself so you can move up, move out, move on with little or no consequence.
For I am the vessel. The holy order of emptiness that retains the unending devotion of emotional nights and dark confessions. I take all the suffering and confusion in the world and keep it inside myself. I keep it for you so you can come back and study it like a shining rare jewel when you start to forget why you hate so much. When you forget why you are so sad. I will be here waiting for you with this sword in my hand and the Devil in my eyes. I am the mother of monsters and the tongue of God.
You are my disciple and my lover in this time of great destruction. I have an unending ability to just let you in... Let you in the door of my heart no matter how many times you seek to hurt me. I will cradle you in my arms until the sun snuffs itself out on the edge of the universe; I will call down vengeance on your betrayers and open the wound in my side for you to feed off of. I am yours for this short time until your fears catch up to you and you find yourself with a jittery edge that turns you into the rabbit. Run little bunny. The wolf is coming for you and her fangs have grown long as her hunger has grown great.
I am drowning myself in the rain for your amusement. I am the sexual predator prowling alley-ways at night and leaving sharp jagged little instruments for you to find in the morning. Go on... carve my name into your limbs. Invoke me like the other worldly demon you seem to think I am. Use your blood to call me to the ground so you can show me all the fragile little pieces of your skull and heart. Ask me to glue you back together like a tin man with a tin intellect. You are one of the smartest men I know but you have no ability to just let this happen. I could be the answer to your prayers and you won't even open your eyes...
I have strapped my breast plate on; polished my armor until it shone; sharpened my weapons and now I sit upon this great black war stallion who paws at the ground in anticipation... but there is no battle. I have taken so much of you into myself that I have forgotten where I begin again. Is this all there is? Am I truly to become the destroyer that I always feared I would be? Will I become so isolated and repentant that I will be the center of the end of the world as I shout love...
Eye of Devil.
Mother of monsters.
Tongue of God.
Who will see me now if I never open my heart again?