Twit. Twit. Jug. Jug. So rudely forced.
For him I have no name; can not open my mouth and let his sin fall out. Though I have seen his flesh they do not believe me. "We judge you guilty." Was it my fault I lost my tongue? So rudely forced.
He took my hands. I have no written language to scrawl his incantations and guilt. See no evil and it does not exist. He covered my eyes to preserve his goodness. Twit. Twit. Jug. Jug.
The blood on my lips should be enough to whisper my story to these armies of just men but as I turn to them I can see they have cut their own eyes out. "We know you are guilty. We do not need to see. We can smell your anger and have judged you for it. Lay down and accept our offering..."
Father, destroy these men for me. I can no longer bear this wordless growing chasm of shame. I will take my own life to silence the twittering in my ears of his greasy fingered violation. He took my tongue, lopped off my hands but left me my cursed eyes to see the pain and revulsion at this maiden so rudely forced. Make them pay for my suffering and their ignorance, father. Make them pay for my death.
Twit. Twit. Jug. Jug. Old demon, I am so rudely forced and have judged you for it.