I want to reach into your chest and wrap my fingers around your heart...
I want you to live or die in my arms. Why should they crawl on wet bellies and bare breasts to your feet when I have always better understood what I am capable of? If they will spread their legs for you; why would they not spread their legs for me?
If I reach down and force your face into the ground, will you understand what I am capable of? I could make you gag on your own glory. I could make you live or die for my heart. I could fuck you until you gasped for air and realized you wanted to dwell in my lands forever. Dwell inside me forever. I could take your skull in my hands and dig my fingers down into your bone. I could make you choke on my name.
They should understand what I am capable of. They should carry me to secret lands and give themselves to me in unending service. They should press their faces to my hands and cry tears of blood for what I could be. They should twist their naked bodies together in a shrine to my unending cruelty. They should look into my eyes and know they have given their souls to me.
Come, give me your fangs. I want your teeth in my skin so you can taste the poison in my blood and know... know how much closer to God I am. To know what you can never be. Know even as you wrap your hands over my breasts and nuzzle your face into my abdomen that you are no king in the face of my armies. To know that my naked sex is the stronger force and to bend to my will is the only choice.
give me your single heart
and forever live
and die
in the face of my Glory...

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