I am a quiet killer. An assassin in your dreams. You try to rise up, angry, and you try to scream. You want to stop me but I have destroyed all of your predecessors. What makes you think you will succeed where they have failed?
Can you see the demon inside me? This thing that has taken me over and replaced every spot of light and love that ever existed behind my eyes? My own anger rose so high and my hatred became so acid that the demon found me. I had been waiting for it all along. It knew where I was. It could feel me pulsing under the weight of my own rage at ever allowing you to enter me. Letting you in again and again to try and kill me with your slippery smile and soft words. The demon invaded me through every pore of my body until it infected the very cells of my being moving along the pathways the hate had laid down in my heart. It made me what I am. I am monster. I am damage. I am Fury.
Weep for what you have made me. Quiver on your knees at the realization that this weapon I hold has your name upon it as I have your name upon my lips. Know that I have given up my humanity to become this for you. I will bury my love in you up to the hilt. I will kiss the blood from your lips. And I will hold you as you die because I still love you and everything that I ever was is dieing with you.

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