I run like the devil is chasing me. Like fire is licking at my heals. I run to keep distance with the insanity inside me. The neurosis vibrates at a quickening pace speeding up my heart whenever some hapless person dares venture too close to me. I lash out. I bite and kick and scream. And then I run away.
I have been keeping strangers in my bed. I pretend for a little while that I am a normal girl. That I can stand to have someone's skin so close to mine. I pretend that to feel their breath disturbing the air around me does not make me twitch. They get up to walk to the other room and I run. I run away.
I will run until my lungs collapse in on themselves like a foreign star trapped in the vortex of a distance galaxy. I will run until I can find a nice dark place to hide. And when a stranger's feet walk by I will snap at them with my teeth like a wild dog. I will claw at the ground until I can bury myself in a tunnel of my own distorted mind. And when I begin to scream at these prying eyes of strangers coming to peer in on this strange girl; maybe they will finally run away from me.

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