They are dancing on this poison ground trying to drive spirits away; appease a hundred of a hundred hungry souls. This earth has been paved over. All clean now. See! No death took place here! It was all in your mind... But they know what happened and dance faster and faster with the movements of a thousand cultures. Spinning with feathers in their hair, fans in their hands, skirts flying, feet pounding... I can feel the skulls of the dead underneath my bare feet crying out for peace.
My god what has happened here? So many heads... but where are their bodies? An endless plot of severed head land underneath the pavement of the driveway. Built into the very foundation of the house. Holding up the rails of the fence. Quick! We must dance faster! Harder! We must clean this land. Send these souls to rest... calm these spirits... sooth these gods... Who did this!? What evil hand took these lives and left this horror beneath the ground? Dance harder! Throw back your head! Wail in pain! Raise your hands to heaven and ask the gods to deliver these souls to peace!
I open my eyes wide and scream... This nightmare landscape firmly burnt behind my eyes I rise and walk on into a burning daylight of a troubled mind lost in a world of terrifying dreams.