We were born into Fury. Every death was preordained. They slit the throats of their innocent victims and we brought them serpents. Tormented them with their own evil as we dogged them through a thousand star lit hillsides and grassy plains.
They had bathed in the blood of virgins and howled with laughter. They had slaughtered their way through the homeland raping young flesh as they burnt down the homes of our countrymen. They killed each of us in the name of a twisted god-king, leaving us for dead in the hills of our motherland.
We were reborn in her image; unable to rest in this soft ground. Unable to join our sisters, for the pain we harbored in our breasts blackened out our sun and veiled the moon. We were reborn in blood and hate and rage. Reborn of the sword and baptized in vengeance. Our name is Justice; look upon our eyes and know your doom.
We have leveled this army. Ripped off their skin and hollowed out their eyes. We drank our victory from their very skulls. God-king now watched his glory fall as we danced in the flesh of our enemies. Our faces twisted in the elation of dispatched evil, we came to his throne in one final act of retribution.
"We want your crowned head and we shall have it. Scream the name of every dead child as you drown in the snakes of our unending pain. Cry in our arms and fear our hands."
And when that king was dead and his army returned to dust we could finally retire to the dreams of every harmed woman to be reborn in the violence of every lifted hand. Know that we are the serpents in the eyes of your victims and our anger will never rest.

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