I never liked you anyway. I never liked you anyway. I never ever ever ever... Never...
Fluttering hands. Stand on my hands, my evil throated man. My soft throated call; wiggle to God. Shuffle to the Devil. He sees me with iced over eyes, frozen here with his own hate. I have owned that hate. I took it up in my mouth. I rolled it around my tongue, swished it between my teeth. It tasted of blueberries and ash. Reminded me of my homeland where the trees bent at my passing. The grass forming knots as I would go.
I never ever ever... never liked you anyway.... I never ever... Ever Never...
I am standing in the creek. Snow is falling all around me. Cedars whisper my name. Coyote runs and yips. Jumps in the snow for mice. I jump. I send the water up into the air. It falls upon me in frozen droplets and settles there. Ice maiden mad with the cold. Ice maiden a frigid soul. I walk on to colder pastures and ripple in the all.
I never... I should have never ever... I am ever and never... I never like you anyway...
There is a gate. There is a great wall. A wall that surrounds this city. A city wall. Built when mad Arabs crossed the land; Arab warriors driving Christians out. Christians who had taken the holy land; blood running ankle deep in the streets. Christians in their shining armor; shining righteousness. Blinding in the desert sun-- ancient desert god uninterested in this little war. Little war where I set down and wept at the Pharaoh's temple; watched the cats take the souls of the dead.
I never... I was never.... I never... I was there...
He called my name. It made me shudder; and stutter, and try to say something important. He, who was unguarded, now had dogs at his feet. He wanted me to bend over and do as he said. He wanted to force himself into my mouth. I resisted the urge to bite down. I resisted the urge to plunge something into his chest. If I opened a hole in him, he could feel what it was like to be penetrated... He could feel what it was like to be a woman. I could force the birth of his organs and through pain he could know what it was to be us... He called my name; Burden, and I turned away.
And I never... I never liked him anyway... and I never... and I was here... I saw it all... I never did any thing to stop it... ever...

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