My thighs are slick in a rush of bright red blood. My femininity is dripping on the ground and pooling around my feet. He can never understand my comfort in the drips left behind on the white tiles as I slip from the kitchen to the bedroom. At the window, I watch the pregnant mother cat prowl down the alleyway stalking a flittery, fluttery host of sparrows as her belly drags on the ground. Soon the birds are to air in a chattering brown-specked mass as dainty spots of bird's blood drip from her quick mouth. She slinks to the bushes to devour her prey.
I turn my eyes on him. My brain all full of predatory love. He cringes in the face of the female rigor that stiffens my belly with unkempt want and forgetful desire. He does not understand what it means to bleed. To know the moon with such an intimacy as to wonder if she knows your thoughts and body like no other ever capable of touch. He knows no spark of life; how the potential always frightens you keeping your eyes stuck open on hot nights. He does not understand those hills I came from still calling me from all this distance and this city deadening my animal ways. When I turn he makes a small noise like a mouse caught in a trap and shakes himself free of my hands.
At the doorway he turns and says, "I can feel you slamming into me even with my back turned."
I sit folded in on myself with bloodied fingertips and unfocused eyes, "Then never turn your back on me and you will never have to know the nightmares I have been saving especially for you. Never turn your back on me and I will be your lover for all time. Never turn your back on me and I won't come howling for you in the night."
My femininity rips itself free and kisses him hard until blood trickles down his lips. I trap him under my knees and rear back with hair wild framing a wicked smile. I can taste him inside of me. I breath "I know all Truth in my feminine ways and have seen the destruction your kind has lain down. We will rewrite the world in our image and seal it all with a kiss. We are everything you have been dreaming of and I want your everlasting affection. Open your eyes." And in that moment the room filled with a blinding light as all good and all evil became one in the shining blood mingling between my thighs, running over his hands in a rush of sweet kisses and the spark of life now gone in the wink of a vanishing cat-like eye.