"What? Do you want to hear that I often picture you naked? That I touch myself with a vision of you tied to my bed firmly planted in my mind? That sometimes I picture you dead? Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to rip your heart out and eat it? That I want to fuck you so bad that if physically hurts me to be near you? Yeah... you might not want to hear what I'm thinking."
I keep my eyes on the dark road ahead of us and push the accelerator closer to the floor of my great land beast. The car's engine purrs in recognition. I drag on my cigarette blowing the smoke into a cloud from my lips.
"Do you want me to be afraid of you?" he asks turning to the window.
"I want you to fear me, yes. But I want you to love me more."
"Why do you have to be like this?"
"I don't know. This is just how I am."
The beast slides into the corners with the smoothness of ripples on water. The wind cascades through the windows and throws his long hair into his eyes. He whips his head but the strands stay in place. I take one hand off the wheel and reach over to brush the hair from his face grazing his cheek with my fingertips. I linger for a moment savoring the warmth of his skin traveling up my arm. He takes my hand to his lips kissing it gently. I take my hand back quickly to return to clutching the wheel. I strain my hands against the leather focusing my eyes onto the yellow line speeding past the hood.
"If you choose this path with me there will be no stopping. No turning back." I say flicking the cigarette out the window. A quick shower of sparks flares behind us on the pavement and fades. "I'll show you where the darkness leads. There's something inside me. It's hard to explain."
"I think I want to love you. I want to tell you the things you don't want to hear." he whispers in my ear slipping his hand onto my leg. He glides it up my stomach, over my breasts to rest his palm against my heart. I take my eyes off the road for a split second to see the tears welling up in his.
"This isn't going to end well." I say clenching his hand tightly. I lean, I kiss him and push the car faster then it has ever gone into that dark distant horizon. I let the world burn behind us and watch the night fall on the beast.

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