Now I am marching out into an unwanted dawn with anger bubbling like acid behind my eyes. How does sugar turn to acid so quickly? How can a few words make me want to hurt you so badly? This would have been so simple for you; such a simple string of actions would have made me feel like a human instead of a fetish just for one night. This should have been easier, but it just gets harder.
What am I left with? All this anger turning to isolation and a resolve to sever any fingers that may dare lay against my skin. You poison me and walk away unscathed. Walk away into a world that seems so much easier for you with all your excuses and sugary acidic talk. It should be easier to hate you, but this all just gets so much harder.
I lie down in a coffin of my own anger and close my eyes. This will always be harder for me than it will be for you. Leave me now and stop thinking about me. I want to be in the arms of all this quiet. Leave me with no backward glances so I can be trapped in this angry dawn forever and never open my eyes again.

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