I romance the words. Make them do my bidding. I call down your name and wrap it in every dark utterance I have. My mouth rambles around lost incantations as I force my lips to forget your touch. I kept your hair. I weaved it into my own. Some small piece of you to carry with me forever. I fall with no one there to catch me so I tumble through darkened space until I hit the ground. Falling is not so bad; it's only the landing that hurts so much. Maybe I should flap harder...
My body thrives in the night but my mind wanders lighting upon my often erroneous love. I am never right. I exist in wrongness. I dress my limbs in it like a bright robe of off-colours. I am vampiric in my wants suffering for a nothingness that fills up my chest. I raise my arms in front of my face as feathers glide against one and another. Feathers slide down my throat to give this darkness in me flight. I vomit it up with my undiluted love; I choke on feathers. My want flies free and I feel nothing... and everything.
I flap my arms and fly furiously on...

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