The Spirit took her suddenly, arching her back at a destructive angle and raising her out of her throne. Her head threw itself back and forth like a rag doll caught in a dog's mouth as the Spirit shock her body violently from her painted toes to her perfectly formed breasts. The Great and Holy Council screamed a holy scream and breathed fire out her lungs into the night. The horde trembled in silent awe, stopped in their tracks, as she rose above them. A light emanated from her filling the air with an electric crackle.
Every head in the vicinity filled with visions of pure love and hatred; pure pain and ecstasy, pure pleasure and discomfort. Emotion undiluted created a mist that all inhaled into their lungs and expelled from their skin. The Great and Holy Council shuddered and shrieked louder, her naked body pulsing with waves of energy that seemed to threaten to crack her body in half.
And at the very moment when it seemed she would be torn to pieces by the Spirit and every eardrum in the crowd would be exploded by her screams, the Spirit left her. She fell to the ground in a crumpled heap. Her guards rushed to her side lifting her to unsteady feet. Her head lulled to the side, her eyes slowly coming to focus. Shaking to rid her self of the last druggy effects of the Spirit, she turned her attention to the hordes adjusting her perfect ass to a seductive position with a tilt of her hips on her stilettos. The hordes followed her movements with their hungry eyes, waiting for her to speak...
She parted her blessedly perfect ruby lips...
"Well then, now that that's over, let's eat."

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