Monday, November 12, 2012

You Were Always On My Mind

I want you to know that sometimes I fuck you in my dreams, slow and deliberately with an aching passion that brings the moments of climax to ever brightening conclusions. Our skin shining in the moonlight. Our fingers entwined as our breath rises and falls to the rhythm of our movements. In my dreams I kiss you as deeply as the cool ocean. I love you like a collision of stars crashing and falling over our heads. I taste you. I lick you. I devour you like candy. Our bodies slide together in the slickness of sex and crushing desire. We are a tangled mass of limbs and delicate heat. We fall in love over and over again and the world slips away.

And other times in my dreams I tear your fucking throat out and drink myself full of your red gushing blood. Or I simply put a gun to the back of your head and paint the wall with your brain matter. I take your heart out with a big knife fist deep in your chest and I eat it. Devour the raw meat with a face covered in gore. I throw you into a shallow grave, pour gasoline on you and set you on fire. I watch you burn alive as your face contorts into frozen screams. I open you up from stem to stern and let your guts spill out like a crimson wave onto the pavement. Sometimes I keep your heart in box lined with red foil as a memento mori of my eternal violence. I poison your drink and watch you slip to the floor into a debilitating coma. I wrap my fingers around your throat and squeeze until every last bit of air has left your lungs and you've turned a lovely hue of purple. I put my knee into your throat and your neck makes a satisfying snap like candy and the world slips away.

That's how you can tell I love you. I either want to fuck you or I want to fucking kill you. Either way, you are always on my mind.

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