Thursday, September 16, 2010

In a Time of Furious Qualities

I touch this beast inside of me. I feel her moving against me; twisting through my deepest hollows of muscle and bone. She shifts and drags her teeth across the tissue of my heart. She howls with such a ferocity that I worry the people who I am trying to avoid will turn their eyes to me at the sound. She strains against my skin and puts her fingers behind my eyes. She hisses for the love she has lost and the love she still searches for.

The intensity I feel comes from her. It flows off of me in waves and slams into the unsuspecting targets of my carefully guarded emotions. They stand in the face of a bright red hurricane and crumple like trees with weak roots. The beast howls for the world to burn down around me; howls for the fires to desolate a space around me so I can stand in the center of the burnt ground with a burning heart.

Passion leaks between us and I contort myself into strange positions as I fall to the ground writhing in a textual ecstasy. Her growling becomes the constant background humming to my daily life. I pretend to be a normal girl; polite, calm, accommodating... but when they come to examine me closely; to pry into my little insular world they find a black-coated mound of teeth vibrating to taste their presence. She paces just behind my eyes and gazing upon me they can feel her rearing up with glinting claws and a pale smile.

And she wants to taste you, this beast inside of me. She wants your love, your heart and a burning fury to match her own. She twists and I scream. My teeth sharpen as she moves closer to the surface; closer to the rib cage that is holding her back like the bars of a prison cell. She strains against my heart; forces it to beat after I have spent all of this time trying to stop it. Trying to quiet my rapid pulse; quit my fractured veins; turn my heart to deadened meat. She demands I live and I love and I taste flesh.

She wants us to be one unstoppable force and she wants more than all of this.

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